Tuesday, February 9, 2010

We Love What We Do!

We're very excited to launch our new brand and everything that goes with it. That's because we love what we do! And, we hope that you can better see that in our new name, logo, and website. Now more than ever, we want to make sure that our brand clearly and concisely communicates who we are, what we do, and what makes us unique. Going forward, we will focus on five key services: strategic branding, promotions, advertising, training, and events. We are re-doubling our efforts to bring intense, creative passion to those areas, which will be even more effective in helping our customers grow their business.

Even the colors in our new log help define us:
  • Blue stands for intelligent. It's a primary color that is often associated with two of the deepest, most expansive elements we have, the ocean and the sky. We dig for in-depth knowledge of our customers' business, and we work longer and harder to understand their situations.
  • Fusion orange represents creativity. We ignite the best ideas and the most effective execution, and we bring them together with an intense, creative passion, all to meet our customers' needs.
  • New green means growth, new growth from joining our customers' business with our team of professionals. Our ideas that germinate from cultivating diverse thoughts and exploring different positions will drive our customers' business upward.

We've been serving customers with intelligent creativity for over 21 years. Now, we've elevated our brand to better reflect it. We look forward to a great year in 2010, driven by an incredible staff serving remarkable clients. And, it's sure to be a lot of fun because we love what we do!

Dave Smith

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